
Mainstream vs Niche Mainstream is a media product targeting a mass audience, for example doctor who. Niche is a media product that is targeting a small audience such as a fishing magazine. Definitions Mainstream - An audience that consumes a product that appeals to a wide range of groups and cultures. Niche - The audience of a specialist interest media product that may only appeal to a small number of people or those who fall within a specific demographic profile (e.g. age, ethnicity). Chris Anderson: The Long Tail Theory First published in 2004, then as a book in 2009 Concerns mass vs niche products and audiences BARB Data Barb stands for Broadcasters' Audience Research Board. The collate viewing figures for all the major uk broadcasters such as BBC, ITV and Sky. BARB data can then be used by television companies to assess how well a television series is performing – compared with previous series, for example, or with rival show...